Our Programs & Services
While attending LEE (Learning Enrichment Experiences) Services, participants are provided with a variety of experiences and opportunities that enrich lives, maximize potential for self-sufficiency, and expand interests. All activities are age-appropriate, offering variety and choice that emphasize community integration of small groups as well as enhance individual interactions within their communities.
Instructions and support are provided by skilled facilitators trained on "best practice" approaches through the basic tenets of trauma responsive care – Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) and participant team matches are identified based on factors that maximize opportunities for success.
At LEE Services, we focus on promoting learning throughout the lifespan. Skill-building activities are strength based, focusing on the participants interests, preferences, and abilities. Our emphasis is on creating a social environment geared towards providing opportunities for enhanced relationships and connections with others who may or may not have IDD. Areas of Learning Enrichment Experiences (LEE) will include the following:
Day Services
Day Services provide education and training to acquire the skills and experience needed to participate in the community, consistent with the participant’s Individual Service Plan. This may include activities to support participants with building problem-solving skills, self-help, social skills, adaptive skills, activities of daily living, and leisure skills. This includes Day Habilitation activities and Prevocational Services designed to foster the acquisition of skills, building positive social behavior and interpersonal competence, greater independence and interdependence as well as personal choice.

STEP-UP (Socialization Through Exciting Partnerships UP-lifts us all) provides social and recreational opportunities for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their typically developing peers ages 9 through 11 (+ or - 2 years depending on interest) through a series of 2.5 hour Saturday sessions. Activities for sessions include creative arts music therapy, dance therapy, nutrition and fitness.

Next STEPS is a transition from school to adult life program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) ages 18 through 21. This Supplemental Transition Education Program for
Students (STEPS) is designed to meet the student's
individual education program (IEP) transition goals and provide linkages to post-
school options. Through
a contractual relationship with school districts students and their families receive
crucial information and experiences with the IDD adult services system.